Die Weltenschatz Dust Liga Regeln

Jetzt mal der erste Versuch einer Dust Liga
  •  30.8.2013-30.11.2013
  • Teilnahmebeitrag 10 Euro
  • Gespielt werden 300 Punkte
  • Die Armeen dürfen während der Liga geändert werden
  • Gespielt werden nach den FFG FAQ 1.7, wobei die Waffenteams wie Infantrie behandelt werden nach den Tunieregeln 2.0
  • Gespielt wird über 7 Runden. In jeder Runde Jeder gegen Jeden.
  • Sollte jemand nicht alle Runden mitspielen können oder wollen, werden alle Spiele dieses Spielers als 0 Spiele gewertet.
  • Sollte einer in einer Runde nicht spielen können, kann das Spiel auch später innerhalb der Ligaspielzeit nachgeholt werden.
Punkte Vergabe:
  • Sieg: 3 Punkte
  • Unentschieden: 1 Punkte
  • Niederlage: 0 Punkte
  • Das Game Night Kit von FFG
  •  Einkaufsgutscheinen
Auszug aus den Tunieregen von FFG:
Each round contains several steps that players follow in order to ensure a fair and
competitive game.
Step 1:
exchange Army Lists
Each player gives his opponent a copy of his army list. The players may spend up to five
minutes studying their opponent’s force selection.
Step 2: Table Set-Up
Each table will be furnished with one
Dust Tactics
Terrain Tile Set, two crates, and two
tank traps. Before determining which side they will be deploying on, the players will take
turns setting up the table.
Each player rolls five Combat Dice, and the player who scores the most hits chooses
which player places the first tile. Players then alternate turns, placing the 3×3 square tiles
so that they create a table that is 12 squares long x 9 squares wide.
The player who places the first tile places it at the table corner closest to him and on his
right. The table extends from this tile an additional three tiles to that players left (for a
total of 12 squares long) and two tiles towards the opposite table edge (for a total of 9
squares wide).
Every subsequent tile must be placed touching the side of a tile that has already been
placed, and in such a manner that it does not extend beyond the play area described
above. Players are free to choose either side of a tile. However, a completed table setup
may not include more than a single tile with triangle (water) squares. Additionally, a tile
with triangle (water) squares may not be placed adjacent to either short table edge.
Once the table tiles are placed, the player who placed the second tile may place the 2
square by 3 square building tile anywhere on the table, but he may not place it over any
building/wall squares, and he may not place it over any triangle (water) squares.
Finally, starting with the player who deployed the first tile, the players alternate turns
placing the nine single-square terrain tiles. These tiles must be placed so that the blank
(impassible) side is used. These tiles may be placed anywhere that is not on a square
touching a table edge.
Step 3: determine
deployment Areas
Each player rolls five Combat Dice, and the player who scores the most hits
chooses which table side (long or short) is his. Each of the squares along this
table edge are his deployment squares. His opponent has the opposite table edge,
and all of the squares along that table edge are his deployment squares.
Step 4: determine Scenario
Each Scenario lasts 8 game turns. The player who lost the roll to determine Deployment
Area now selects one of the following victory conditions:
Attack and Defend: Eliminate as many enemy units as possible. Calculate VP (page 7 of
the rulebook) to determine the winner.
Area Control: The player who controls the most 3×3 table tiles at the end of the game is
the winner. To control a table tile, the player must have a unit on a square on the tile, and
no enemy unit on the same tile.
Key Locations: The player who controls the most cover elements (crates and tank traps) at the
end of the game is the winner. To control a cover element, the player must have a
non-aircraft, non-vehicle unit in the same square as the cover element. Cover will
be placed in Step 5.
Control the Reservoir: This scenario may not be chosen if
there are no revealed triangle (water) squares on the table.
The player who controls the most squares that are adjacent to
triangle (water) squares at the end of the game is the winner.
To control one of these squares, a player must have a unit on
the square.
Step 5: Place Cover
Each player rolls five (5) Combat Dice, and the
player who scores the most hits places the first
piece of cover. The players alternate placing
cover until all four pieces have been placed.
Cover may not be placed on triangle
(water) squares.
Step 6: Play!
The players now proceed as
normal for a game
of Dust Tactics by
rolling for initiative
and beginning the

first turn

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